Monthly digest: we bring you the best of April.

Monthly digest: we bring you the best of April.

Let's get straight to it... April was huge! We held our annual conference, WXG. We welcomed Ben (that's actually me) to Kyan – he's (I'm) our new Marketing Manager. Our beautiful handmade Device Lab went up. And the weather was quite frankly ludicrous. In the wider world, we saw Zuckerberg's face more than we probably wished to. Web Apps continued to make leaps and bounds. And there were some highly anticipated new releases. We've pulled it all together into a handy listicle for you. Listicle is apparently a word now and we are going to run with it.

Rails 5.2.0 FINAL was released

Over 400 code contributors put their stamp on the latest Ruby on Rails release. It was rolled out on 9th April and sees new Active Storage support for Amazon, Google and Microsoft cloud services. Other features include Webpacker 3.0 for managing JavaScript modules and support for HTTP/2.

Get the lowdown from the official Rails blog.

GitHub launched their Learning Lab

“GitHub is more than a home for code. It’s a forum for collaboration, a sandbox for testing, a launchpad for deployment, and often, a platform for learning new skills” said Cynthia Rich, Learning Manager at GitHub. The Lab takes the form of an app and a bot, critiquing users' performance as they work their way through the Lab.


Wired got us up to speed with 5G

This is a technology close to our heart not only figuratively but literally, with our neighbours at the University of Surrey bringing together key players in the infrastructure upgrade at their impressive 5G Innovation Centre. So what's so great about 5G? How much faster is it? When will we get it?

Matt Reynolds at Wired knows.

Zuckerberg got called to the headmaster's office

He actually got called to Washington DC. But either way, he had to put his big boy pants on and testify before US Congress. The company's Founder was being held to account for the way that Facebook and its partners handle the data of its 2.2 billion users. As usual, the internet pulled out the weirdest bits and The Verge wrangled it all together.

"Senator, we run ads."

Progressive Web Apps on iOS are here

This article by author, trainer, speaker and many other things Maximiliano Firtman did the rounds at Kyan Campus and it had us nodding furiously. iOS 11.3 saw Apple introduce support for PWAs. How do they work? What can they do? Max has the answers to all of this and more.

Here's his article on Medium.


And in case you missed it...

Our CIO Gavin laid out our efforts to reduce plastic use at Kyan, Olly expressed the importance of a collaborative working environment and we sat down for a chat with our in-house Testers Ilia and Jamie.

Same time next month? ðŸ‘‹