B Corp is at the

We are proud to be part of the global B Corp movement of companies who strive to do business better.
Becoming a B Corp is an outward reflection of our internal values. It means that we look after our people, value and celebrate diversity, care for our community and run a successful, profitable business that does the least possible harm to the environment.
View Our Impact ScoreIt's crucial to our survival
We believe that living sustainably and operating a B Corp business go hand-in-hand, and are key to our continued survival and prosperity, both as a company and as a planet.
It drives every decision we make
We always consider how our business can positively affect our stakeholders, employees, customers, suppliers, our local community, and by extension, society as a whole.
It does not stand still
We’re committed to continuous improvement — reviewing our practises and reducing our negative impacts, thereby doing the least possible harm to the environment.
What gets measured, gets done
Here are a few key metrics by which we measure our impact.
View Impact Report 2023Climate positive
We have been a carbon negative / climate positive workforce since 2019. To understand more about our commitment to the environment please refer to our Environmental Policy.
Climate positive since
Our Environmental PolicyGiki Zero
We understand that in the modern work environment company carbon is often emitted outside of the workplace, we are committed to helping our team understand their impact on the planet, that is why we use Giki Zero.
Average Kyan Carbon Footprint
Average UK Carbon Footprint: 12,700kg
Carbon Capture
What carbon we can’t remove we offset via our carbon capture partner, Ecologi.
Trees planted
tonnes of carbon offset in total
Kyan Ecologi ForestCarbon Footprint
We are serious about measuring our carbon footprint and are committed to continuing carbon reduction.
Carbon Footprint 2023
69 tCO₂e
(Market-based) equates to 1.56 tCO₂e per FTE
Giving Back
In 2023, we supported several charities through volunteering, charitable giving and fundraising.
Supported charities
- Oakleaf Enterprise
- Ewan's Trust
- The Prince's Trust
- Bring Back the Smile to Nepal
- The Fountain Centre

Our 2023
Impact Report
Part of our journey to becoming a more sustainable business is transparency in our results. We celebrate our successes, acknowledge our shortcomings, and recognise areas where we can improve.
It includes everyone
We believe that a diverse team that recognises different backgrounds and voices leads to better business outcomes, both in terms of innovation, customer engagement and quality of our working environment. Kyan is committed to diversity, equity and inclusivity for our whole team.
Join our team