Back in May, we celebrated a new partnership with global CMS provider, Kentico. We started our relationship as an Advanced Partner, and are now delighted to say that we’ve become a Premium Partner.
That makes Kyan one of just two in the UK and only five throughout Europe. Technology partnerships are vitally important to agencies such as ours, allowing us to harness best-in-class solutions, whether that’s hosting, web services, payment gateways, or in this case, a content management system.
What stands Kentico apart is their Kentico Kontent offering – a headless CMS and a content-as-a-service solution.
Whoa now, what’s a headless CMS?
A traditional CMS will have a front-end, which in most cases is the website that it sits behind. The content lives among everything else used to display that website, such as HTML and CSS. When a CMS is headless, it loses that front-end and becomes a back-end only content management system. Essentially, it is an interface where just the content can be added and then delivered via an API to wherever it needs to go.
So what’s the benefit here? Removing the webpage-oriented framework means that content can be decoupled from what is commonly referred to as ‘the presentation layer’. This makes it easier for teams to create, edit and distribute content because any changes will be applied everywhere that the content lives – great for consistency, productivity and usability.

A great add-on to our client offering
We’ve used Kentico Kontent on a number of projects, including our expansive work with global test equipment provider, Electro Rent, and more recently, with Associated British Foods’ brand, Baking Mad. Not only has the headless CMS been fundamental in how those projects have been delivered, but they’ve also radically improved workflow amongst their marketing and content teams. Read more about our Kontent offering and how we can help your business on our Kontent service page.
Because we really believe in the technology that we use, we’re pleased to announce that Kyan Solutions Architect, Tom Marshall, will be speaking at Kentico’s Kontent Horizons conference on November 19th. Tom’s talk, titled ‘Helping content editors transition to a headless model’, will be at 3:50pm. We’re also sponsoring this year’s event.
Sign up for the European leg of the conference here, and check out our Kontent Premium Partner page.
We are Kyan, a technology agency powered by people.
This article also appears on The Drum.