2021 was an unusual year for many reasons. Some negative, such as the ongoing pandemic, but some positive too. For Kyan, it was particularly significant as the year we submitted our B Corp application. It was also the year that we really started to understand what it means to move towards being an organisation focused on 'doing good' over 'being good'. In short, moving towards being a purpose-led organisation.
Part of becoming a B Corp is our pledge to report yearly on our impact, and 2021 is the first year for which we have produced an annual impact report. Producing a report like this is an interesting experience, it makes you realise what good you are already doing as an organisation and it focuses the mind on what further good we could be doing.
The act of just writing stuff down makes it feel very concrete and we get to celebrate a lot of the small wins that may have otherwise got lost along the way.
We divided our report into three sections: Environment, People and Giving Back. Here are some of our wins, learnings and goals:
We found a better way to measure our carbon footprint with Green Element
We set a base year for all measurements going forward
We established an EMS (environmental management system)
We signed our Net Zero pledge with the SBTi
We committed to offsetting all of our historic carbon
We reported on our team make up
We analysed our gender and ethnicity split
We're doing okay by industry standards, but there's always room for improvement
We have a 0% gender pay gap, which is something to celebrate
We're a growing team, adding 28% more roles to the team in 2021
Giving back
We have always supported our team to volunteer and give back to the community, but in 2021 we committed to formalise that arrangement by pledging a full day's work for each team member to volunteer for a charity of their choice, a total of 424 hours annually.
In summary
We will be producing our Impact Report annually from now on and I can honestly say I'm looking forward to the next one already. We get a chance to celebrate all of the hard work that our team puts into making Kyan a great place to work over and above our purely commercial operations, and we get to share those successes with the wider world.